How to understand who to look for?

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We would like to talk about a common problem that absolutely all recruiters face: both experienced and beginners. How to understand who to look for? Let’s say you work as a full-time recruiter or you are not a professional recruiter, but your responsibilities include searching for and recruiting personnel. You receive an application for the selection of a specialist for a certain vacancy. How to understand who to look for? What qualities will you assess in the candidates? How? What level of professional training should a candidate have? What should he know, be able to do? What skills of a candidate are paramount, and which ones are not so important? There are a lot of nuances, aren’t there? Let’s try to figure it out.

There are several ways to create a position profile. Here are two common methods:

  1. It all starts with a global study of the characteristics of the business. Namely, from the study of the mission (the purpose of the company that distinguishes it from other organizations in the market), Values (the company’s philosophy, what it believes in), the company’s goals (expected results in the near future) and corporate competencies (universal competencies or qualities that all employees of the company should possess). In the process of creating a position profile, the list of mandatory corporate competencies can be supplemented with a list of additional corporate competencies or special competencies necessary for this particular position. All these components come from one another and form the corporate culture of the company as a whole. Only taking into account such global components in building a position profile will help the recruiter to choose a candidate who will not only fit certain qualification requirements, but also easily integrate into the corporate culture as the missing element of the puzzle. But in fact, it often happens that the mission, goals, values and corporate competencies are not spelled out in the company, or they are spelled out only on paper and “do not work”. Since the development of all this and its implementation is a rather long and time-consuming process, recruiters often use another more common method of compiling a position profile.


  1. We call it the “intuitive method”.

As it often happens: a recruiter, of course, can take the main qualification requirements from the job description (if any), but still, as a rule, this list needs to be supplemented and adjusted. Colleagues and the direct supervisor of a potential candidate can help you with this because they will work closely side by side with the new employee that you will find. During the interview with them, you will find out what the ideal candidate should be, what he should be able to do, what qualities he should have, which qualities are the most important and which are the least. Most often, in the process of such conversations, it is revealed that, for example, the supervisor is ready to teach some skills to a beginner himself, and it is important for him only to have some basic skills and some personal qualities are especially important.

It is in this way, most often with the use of the second method, the position profile is compiled in most companies at this time. In the future, when conducting the personnel selection procedure, you will of course check the degree of development of candidates of exactly those qualities and features that were originally indicated in the position profile. How exactly to check the level of development of certain qualities of candidates and assess their compliance with the requirements of your company, we will definitely discuss with you in the future. It should be noted that when selecting personnel, it is more acceptable to focus more on the personal qualities of the candidate, from the point of view that you can always “teach” him professionally, and it will not be very difficult for you if the person himself is “yours” and fits your corporate culture. It is much more difficult to remake a person who is suitable for you professionally, but not suitable for you personally. And most often, it is simply impossible. We wish you and your business the “right” candidates and successful recruitment of personnel!



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